IBEN Membership
IBEN is providing TWO types of memberships and they are:-
IBEN Chapter President Membership
IBEN Chapter President Membership will last long for 5 years and it is renewable for years to come.
You will be the leader of the IBEN Chapter. As a Chapter President, you will organize weekly and monthly online Chapter meetings. Facilitate the member’s activities and programs including new member orientation.
- You can enhance your leadership skills as a Chapter President.
- Be the one who connects all the IBEN members, you will have full access to the Chapter members’ database.
- You are given opportunities to participate in the Global Meeting and Global Forum. In IBEN Global Meeting, you can invite new prospects to know more about IBEN. While in IBEN Global Forum, you can communicate with business peers at global and national level.
- Apart from joining one local chapter, you are able to create one new local chapter because you will be given 5 IBEN memberships by joining IBEN Chapter President. While these 5 IBEN memberships are resalable to anyone interested. From here, you are making profits while you are expanding your network too!
IBEN Membership
IBEN membership will last long for 1 year and it is renewable for years to come.
You will be a participant in the IBEN Chapter. As an IBEN member, you will have an opportunity to attend weekly and monthly online Chapter meetings.
- You involve in a network of professionals and business sectors.
- You are gaining new business referrals, business leads, opportunities, and customers through IBEN network.
- You can attend IBEN weekly and monthly online meetings.
- As an IBEN member, you can share your business ideas, experiences, goals and questions in a local chapter meeting.
- You can increase the exposure of your business.
- IBEN members are encouraged to introduce products and services, exchange business opinions and experiences during the meeting session. Therefore, you are learning from multi-disciplinary experts, getting guidance and expert sharing from other experienced. IBEN members.
- You can connect with nationwide and international IBEN members.
- You can access free online training courses and attend professional training courses.
- You are given opportunities to participate in the Global Meeting and Global Forum. In IBEN Global Meeting, you can invite new prospects to know more about IBEN. While in IBEN Global Forum, you can communicate with business peers at global and national level.
How to Start
IBEN membership is based on the referral program specially designed to assure the quality of IBEN activities in each chapter. The chapter is the IBEN community in one locality, either a town, business area, or even states. Each chapter is limited to a maximum of 100 members from various backgrounds.
To join an IBEN chapter, you will need the reference from the existing IBEN member, president or committee. After the payment of the membership registration fee, the joining committee will take 2-5 days for the approval.
- Complete the registration form.
- Make payment through the payment gateway